Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Joseph Ware Tapp part 4 1880s

Joseph Ware Tapp 1880s


Census, West Toulon, Stark County Illinois

Joseph Ware Tapp 1880 West Toulon, Stark IL

Line 45, the very last person.  He is a 22 year old farm laborer living with the Lowman family on their farm.  I suspect he was a very good looking young man.

According to Wikipedia, Toulon is a city in Stark County, Illinois.  The population 1,292 in 2010 census.  It is the county seat, and is the northwestern terminus of the Rock Island Trail State Park

Location of Toulon in Stark County, Illinois.
(Wikipedia -- Toulon, Stark County IL, 2019)1881

March 1881, James A. Garfield is elected the 20th President of the United States.  

He served from March 1881 until he was assassinated six and a half months later.  He was the first sitting member of Congress to be elected to the presidency, and remains the only sitting House member to gain the White House (Wikipedia -- Garfield, 2018).

1881 James A. Garfield
(Wikipedia -- Garfield, 2018)

President Garfield Quote:  A brave man is a man who dares to look the Devil in the face and tell him he is a Devil -- James A. Garfield (Garfield, 2018).

September 1881, President Garfied is assassinated, dies of medical care (OurTimelines.com)

Chester A. Arthur becomes the 21st President of the United States
He served from 1881 to 1885.  We was the 20th Vice President, and became president upon the death of President James Garfield (Wikipedia -- Chester A. Arthur, 2018)

1881 Chaester A. Arthur
(Wikipedia -- Chester A. Arthur, 2018)

Quote: -- "Men may die, but the fabrics of free institutions remains unshaken" -- Chester A. Arthur (Arthur, 2018).

In Other News:  In 1884, The first subway begins operations; Motorcycle was invented (OurTimelines.com)


Grover Cleveland elected the 22nd President of the United States.
He was the only president in American history to serve two non-consecutive terms in office.  He was the second president to wed while in office, and has been the only president married IN the White House (Wikipedia -- Cleveland, 2018).

1889 Harrison Campaign Poster
(Wikipedia -- Cleveland, 2018)

1885 Cleveland Thurman poster
(Wikipedia -- Cleveland, 2018)

1885 Grover Cleveland 22nd President
(Wikipedia -- Cleveland, 2018)

1885 Grover Cleveland Statue, 22nd and 24th President
(Wikipedia -- Cleveland, 2018)

Quote:  "Honor lies in honest toil" -- Grover Cleveland (Cleveland, 2018)

In Other News:  in 1885, The Automobile is invented.  In 1886, Induction Telegraph (Grandville T. Woods).  in 1887, X-Rays discovered by Tesla, not Roentgen.   in 1888, 77 rpm musical records start showing up (OurTimelines.com)


Marriage to Laura Grant Swope, 3 October in Illinois

Joseph Ware Tapp 1889 marriage Laura Swope

This is an index.  I don't have a real certificate of marriage.  Boy, I would really like to get my hands on that one!    They were married 3 October in Stark, Illinois.  This index shows Joseph's parents names, as well as the name of his bride, Laura Grant Swope.  Once again, I wonder how they met.

Updated to add that I sent away for and already got back my Great Grandparents' marriage certificate!  I am so elated!  So I add it here for your enjoyment.  Bonus -- we got signatures for both parties.  Yipee!!!!

Tapp Swope Marriage Certificate

Tapp Swope Marriage License

Tapp Swope Marriage record

Joseph Tapp signature
Laura Swope signature

Benjamin Harrison becomes the 23rd President of the United States
Served from 1888 to 1893.  Grandson of William Henry Harrison, creating the only grandfather-grandson duo to have held the office.  Union Army Colonel (Wikipedia -- Harrison, 2018).

1889 Benjamin Harrison, 23rd President
(Wikipedia -- Harrison, 2018)

Quote:  -- "The bud of victory is always in the truth" -- Benjamin Harrison (Harrison, 2018).

In Other News:  Holerith invents the punch card.  Four states enter the Union -- North Dakota as the 39th state; South Dakota as the 40th state; Montana as the 41st state and Washington as the 42nd state  (OurTimelines.com)

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Arthur, C. A. (2018, December 13). Chester A. Arthur Quotes. Retrieved from BrainyQuote: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chester_A._Arthur

Cleveland, G. (2018, December). Grover Cleveland Quotes. Retrieved from BrainyQuote: https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/grover_cleveland

Garfield, J. A. (2018, December 13). James A. Garfield Quotes. Retrieved from BrainyQuote: https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/james_a_garfield

Harrison, B. (2018, December). Benjamin Harrison Quotes. Retrieved from BrainyQuote: https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/benjamin_harrison

Wikipedia -- Chester A. Arthur. (2018, December 13). Chester A. Arthur. Retrieved from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chester_A._Arthur

Wikipedia -- Cleveland. (2018, December). Grover Cleveland, 22nd and 24th President. Retrieved from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grover_Cleveland

Wikipedia -- Garfield. (2018, December 13). James A. Garfield, 20th President. Retrieved from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_A._Garfield

Wikipedia -- Harrison. (2018, December). Benjamin Harrison, 23rd President. Retrieved from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Harrison

Wikipedia -- Toulon, Stark County IL. (2019, October 8). Toulon, Illinois. Retrieved November 25, 2019, from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toulon,_Illinois


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