Joseph Ware Tapp 1857-1924 Part 1 -- 1850s
Before he was born, there were underground railroad leading slaves to freedom. These ended about 1860 when Joseph was age 3. Also, Queen Victoria was the monarch of England (, 2018) .
March 6, just before Joseph Ware Tapp was born, the US Supreme Court decided that Blacks could not be US citizens (, 2018) . They decided that slaves living in free states and territories were not free just because of residence, because “he was not considered a person under the US constitution. In the opinion of the justices, black people were not considered citizens when the Constitution was drafted in 1787 ( Editors, 2009) .” This was one catalyst leading to Civil War.
James Buchanan was President until Joseph was three years old
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(Wikipedia -- Buchanan, 2018) |
James Buchanan, 15th President of the United States, from 1857-1861, just prior to the Civil War. Democrat; Secretary of State, Senator and Representative before becoming President (Wikipedia -- Buchanan, 2018)
The test of leadership is not to put greatness into humanity, but to elicit it, for the greatness is already there (Buchanan, 2018).
1857 Birth
Joseph Ware Tapp mini pedigree from |
Joseph Ware Tapp was born in Toulon, Stark County Illinois, on May 1st to Bushrod and Mary Jane Essex Tapp. I cannot find ANY birth record other than from census records. I’m not sure there are any birth records available. His middle name, Ware, came from his grandmother Eleanor Ware, daughter of Scottish-born Robert and Catherine Maxwell Ware. Joseph was the 6th child born, with older siblings Sarah Elizabeth, Martha Ellen, George Washington, James Whitfield and Charles Wesley Tapp. He was smack in the middle of twelve children.
Social things that may have affected the Tapp family include that the Transatlantic cable was started this year According to Wikipedia,
A transatlantic telegraph cable is an undersea cable running under the Atlantic Ocean used for telegraph communications. The first was laid across the floor of the Atlantic from Telegraph Field, Foilhommerum Bay, Valentia Island in western Ireland to Heart's Content in eastern Newfoundland. The first communications occurred August 16, 1858, reducing the communication time between North America and Europefrom ten days – the time it took to deliver a message by ship – to a matter of minutes. Transatlantic telegraph cables have been replaced by transatlantic telecommunications cables.
Some other famous men who were born the same year include Lord Baden-Powell who founded Boy Scouts; Clarence Darrow of the Scopes Trial fame; and William H. Taft, President (, 2018) .
1858 - 1859 age 1 - 2
In other news -- England transfers governmental responsibility to India; Darwin published his book Origin of the Species; Minnesota enters the union as the 32nd state; Oregon becomes the 33rd state (, 2018) .
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Buchanan, J. (2018). Janes Buchanan Quotes.
Retrieved from BrainyQuote: Editors. (2009, November 13). Dred
Scott decision. Retrieved from HISTORY: (2018). TimeLines. (Timelines
courtesy of Timeline formatting and technology copyright
© 2000-2018, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED under the Pan-American
Conventions.) Retrieved from
Wikipedia -- Buchanan. (2018). James Buchanen, 15th
President. Retrieved from Wikipedia:
Wikipedia -- Transatlantic Cable. (2018). Transatlantic
Cable. Retrieved from Wikipedia: