Saturday, October 28, 2017

Charles James Tapp

Charles James Tapp


Richmond Dispatch (Richmond VA) 4 January 1887, page 1. 
Downloaded March 2017 from

"One of the bridal presents received is a beautiful silver tea- and coffee-service from England, the tray of which bears this inscription:  "To William L. Royall on the occasion of his marriage; from a few English friends, the holders of Virginian bonds, in recognition of professional zeal and public spirit displayed by him in his consistent and courageious efforts for the protection of their property and the preservation of the honour of his native State.  Henry Ramie Becton; Fred. J. Burt, Bernard Cecil George Brooks, James Padgett Cooper, Henry Joseph Chinnery, Walter Moresby Chinnery, Sydney Claris, Frank Pl Leon, Daniel Marks, Samuel Montagu, Dillwyn Parrish, Charles James Tapp, William Trotter, and William Grovely Woolston."

Apparently, this Charles James Tapp lives in England and pitched in to purchase a tea set, and to have it engraved.  I assume he would be about the same age as the Bride and Groom, somewhere between 20 and 30 years old, making his birth about 1850-ish. 

A Google search came up with the following:
  • Charles James Tapp is a shareholder, one of several being sued.  This could possibly be the same man.  The book is English Reports Annotated ...: 1866-1869; 1900, Volume 1, by Sir Sidney Solomon Abrahams.  

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Charles O. Tapp

Charles O. Tapp, 1903

The Decatur Herald (Decatur IL) 9 September 1903, page 3. 
Downloaded March 2017 from

Charles O. Tapp has a letter in the Decatur postoffice as of the week ending September 8, 1903.

He lived in Illinois and has a letter he needs to pick up. 

A google search came up with the following:

  1. Charles O. Tapp SSDI, born 1931 died 2001 -- but man is born too late.
  2. Charles O. Tapp memorial, born 1899, died 1956, buried Madisonville Kentucky -- this man would only be 4 years old in 1903.  I also found his burial information on Billion Graves.
  3. Charles O. Tapp born 1881, died 1954.  He would be about 22 years old, so this could be the same man.  Needs more information, though.
So that is that.  Not my Tapp, but he belongs to somebody.  Is this YOUR Tapp?  If so, let me know in the comments below.  Hope this helps.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Charles W. Tapp

The next couple of Tapp series relate to probably unrelated Charles Tapp's. I will see if there is a connection, but since I already have this information, so I will go ahead and publish each of them.  Someone out there can use this info, so here you go.

First up is ...

Charles W. Tapp


817 North 27th Street, Lincoln City, Lancaster Nebraska.  Lines 86-90.  Owned the house worth 5,000, has a radio.  Everyone speaks English.  
  • Charles W. Tapp, head.  age 76, (which means he was born about 1854) married first at age 20, no school but can read and write.  Born Illinois, father born in US(?), mother born Virginia.  Occupation night watchman at the Stadium.  Working for a wage, and is a military veteran.
  • Orra M. Tapp, wife, age 56, married first at age 18, no school, can read and write.  born Kansas, parents born Illinois.  
  • Mildred Cowley, daughter, age 24, married first age 18, no school, can read and write.  born Nebraska, father born Illinois, mother born Kansas.  
  • William E. Cowley, Grandson, age 1/12, single, no school.  born Nebraska, parents both born Nebraska.  
  • Sarah E. Warriner, Mother in law, age 79, widowed, married first age 22, no school, can read and write.  Born Illinois, father born Michigan, mother born Ohio.  

So, that's about all I have concerning Charles W. Tapp.  I did a search on my own family tree and I don't have him.  I searched Google, got quite a few recent hits on LinkedIn, Facebook and others.